Company B (From 29 September 1943 to 8 March 1945)
Redesignated: 29 September1943, 711th Signal Air Warning Company, to Company B, 583rd SAW Bn
Relocated: November 1943, from Port Morseby, New Guinea to Goodenough Island
Departed: 31 December 1943
Landed: 2 January 1944, Saidor, New Guinea
Relieved: 4 March 1944, by 20th Fighter Sector
Relocated: 19 March 1944,
Notes: To stage for Aitape operation
Relocated: 22 April 1944, Aitape (Less 7th and 8th platoons)
Located: 1 May - 26 May 1944, Aitape, New Guinea
Located: 27 May - 31 May 1944, Biak Island, Schouten Islnads
Note: Biak Island Assault. "Assault Echelon, Company B, 583rd Signal AW Bn and HQ Det. "I", will land in the vicinity of Bosnek at H+4. Co B will immediately deploy ground observer teams, establish required communications and display AW information received from Fighter Director Ships, ground observer net, 32 FCC monitor, and all radar stations in operation."
Relocated: 7 July 1944, Mokmer Drome
Departed: 13 February 1945, Biak Island
Redesignation: 8 March, 1945, Company "B" redesignated Company A, 597th SAW Battalion
3 November 1942 - 15 December 1942, 1st Lt. Robert W. Tibbitts
16 December 1942 - 8 March 1943, 1st Lt. Robert G. Croyle
9 March 1943 - 9 April 1943, 1st Lt. Walter R. Dernberger
10 April 1943 - 13 April 1943, 1st Lt. Ernest C. Morgan
14 April 1943 - 15 May 1943, 1st Lt. Henry R. Geisinger
16 May 1943 - 11 Feburary 1944,
Capt. Lawrens H. Dyvad
12 February 1944 - 22 August 1944, 1st Lt. Marion E. Thomas (Aitape and Biak Island)
23 August 1944 - 22 September 1944, 1st Lt. Herbert M Edmonds
23 September 1944 - 31 December 1944, Capt. Marion E. Thomas
Equipment: 12 each SCR-602, SCR 270 July 1944, SCR-527 July 1944. February 1945, 12 new AN/TPS-3 and 1 new AN/TPX-3 per platoon.
Notes: 6 July 1944, A "Flying Circus" was established in 3 C-47. the Fighter Sector was set up inside these planes. The SCR-270 and SCR-527 reported directly to this sector.
7th Platoon (LW)
Departed: 21 October 1943, Port Moresby, New Guinea
Arrived: 21 October 1943, Gusap, New Guinea
Departed: 5 November 1943, Gusap, New Guinea
Arrived: 5 November 1943, Faita, New Guinea
Departed: 14 May 1944, Faita, New Guinea
Landed: 15 May 1944, Aitape (from Faita)
Departed: 20 may 1944, No operations
Arrived: 22 May 1944, Hollandia, Dutch New Guinea (staging)
Departed: 25 May 1944
Landed: 27 May 1944, Bosnek, Biak Island
Mission: Biak Island Assault. " 7th Plat, Co B, 583rd Signal AW Bn (RS 626) will Leave (Not readable) +2 and become opeartional as soon as possible giving coverage to the west.
Relocated: 27 May 1944, Melomer(?) drome
Arrived: 3 June 1944, Owi Island
Operational: 8 June 1944 - 19 September 1944
Departed: 17 November 1944
Arrived: 17 November 1944, Biak Island
Departed: 21 November 1944
Arrived: 21 November 1944, Noemfoor Island
Operational: 23 November - (?)
Notes: 9 December 1944, Commenced operational training with AN/TPS-3
Relocated: 10 February 1945, From Noemfoor Island to Biak
Equipment: SCR-602-T6 with Yagi antenna, supplemented with SCR-602-LW/AW antenna October 1943, TPS-3 8 December 1944
Radar Station: RS 626
8th Platoon (LW)
Departed: 14 October 1943, Port Moresby
Arrived: 14 October 1943, Dumpu, New Guinea
Operational: 18 October 1943 - 12 May 1944
Departed: 14 May 1944
Landed: 15 May 1944, Aitape (from Dumpu)
Departed: 20 may 1944, No operations
Arrived: 22 May 1944, Hollandia, Dutch New Guinea (staging)
Departed: 25 May 1944
Landed: 27 May 1944, Bosnek, Biak Island
Mission: Biak Island Assault. " 8th Plat Co B, 583rd Sig AW Bn (RS 627) will land (unreadable) Village ?+2 and become operational as soon as possible providing coverage to the North."
Operational: 27 May 1944 - 6 June 1944
Arrived: 6 June 1944, Woendi Island
Operational: 8 June 1944 - 30 August 1944
Departed: 22 November 1944
Arrived: 22 November, Noemfoor Island
Operational: 25 November - (?)
Notes: 9 December 1944, Commenced operational training with AN/TPS-3
Relocated: 10 February 1945, From Noemfoor Island to Biak
Equipment: SCR-602-T6 with Yagi antenna, supplemented with SCR-602-LW/AW antenna October 1943, TPS-3 8 December 1944
Radar Station: RS 627
9th Platoon (LW)
Departed: 10 August 1943, Port Moresby, New Guinea
Arrived: 10 August 1943, Goodenough Island
Operational: 1 September 1943 - 1 November 1943
Departed: 31 December 1944
Landed: 2 January 1944, Saidor, New Guinea (Map)
Operational: 2 January 1944 - 26 Feburary 1944
Departed: 19 March, 1944, Saidor, New Guinea
Arrived: 21 March 1944, Finschhafen, New Guinea
Notes: No operations - staging. on Manuvers to Lae, New Guinea from 9 - 11 April 1944
Departed: 18 April 1944, Finschhafen, New Guinea
Landed: 22 April 1944, Aitape, New Guinea (Tadji)
Operational: 23 April 1944 - 21 May 1944, at Seleo Island
Departed: 24 May 1944
Arrived: 30 May 1944, Bosnek, Biak Island
Note: Biak Island Assault. "The 9th Plat, Co B, 583rd Sig AW Bn will and at Owk Island as soon as the tactical situation permits, and become operational as soon as possible, giving coverage to the West."
Arrived: 7 June 1944, Ibdi, Biak Island
Operational: 8 June 1944 - 30 August 1944
Notes: 15 December 1944, Commenced operational training with AN/TPS-3
Ceased operations: 2 February 1945
Equipment: SCR-602-T6 with Yagi antenna, supplemented with SCR-602-LW/AW antenna October 1943, TPS-3 8 December 1944
Arrived: 28 February 1945, Palawan
Unloaded: 2 March 1945, Palawan
Relocated: 7 March 1945, Bold Point
10th Platoon (LW)
Departed: 10 August 1943, Port Moresby, New Guinea
Arrived: 10 August 1943, Goodenough Island
Operational: 1 September 1943 - 1 November 1943
Departed: 31 December 1944
Landed: 2 January 1944, Saidor, New Guinea
Operational: 2 January 1944 - 26 Feburary 1944
Departed: 19 March, 1944, Saidor, New Guinea
Arrived: 21 March 1944, Finschhafen, New Guinea
Notes: No operations - staging. on Manuvers to Lae, New Guinea from 9 - 11 April 1944
Departed: 18 April 1944, Finschhafen, New Guinea
Landed: 22 April 1944, Aitape, New Guinea (Tadji)
Operational: 22 April, 1944 - 21 May 1944
Departed: 24 May 1944
Arrived: 30 May 1944, Bosnek, Biak Island
Mission: Biak Island Assault. " 10th Plat, Co B, 583rd Sig AW Bn (RS 629) will land on Owk Island Z+2 and become operational as soon as possible providing coverage to the South."
Operational: 25 June 1944 - 15 July 1944
Notes: 15 December 1944, Commenced operational training with AN/TPS-3
Ceased operations: 2 February 1945
Equipment: SCR-602-T6 with Yagi antenna, supplemented with SCR-602-LW/AW antenna October 1943, TPS-3 8 December 1944
Arrived: 28 February 1945, Palawan
Unloaded: 2 March 1945, Palawan
Commander: Lt. Murta
Departed: 4 March 1945, for Baton Baton
11th Platoon(LW)
Departed: 10 August 1943, Port Moresby, New Guinea
Arrived: 10 August 1943, Feguson Island
Operational: 3 September 1943 - 1 November 1943
Departed: 31 December 1944
Landed: 2 January 1944, Saidor, New Guinea
Operational: 15 January 1944 - 26 Feburary 1944
Departed: 19 March, 1944, Saidor, New Guinea
Arrived: 21 March 1944, Finschhafen, New Guinea
Notes: No operations - staging. on Manuvers to Lae, New Guinea from 9 - 11 April 1944
Departed: 18 April 1944, Finschhafen, New Guinea
Landed: 22 April 1944, Aitape, New Guinea (Tadji)
Operational: 23 April 1944 - 21 May 1944, at Seleo Island
Departed: 24 May 1944
Arrived: 30 May 1944, Bosnek, Biak Island
Mission: Biak Island Assault. "11th Plat, Co B 583rd Sig AW Bn (RS 630) will land on Owk Island Z+2 and become operational as soon as possible providing coverage to the North."
Arrived: 7 June 1944, Woendi Island
Operational: 8 June 1944 - 19 September 1944
Departed: 22 November 1944
Arrived: 22 November, Noemfoor Island
Operational: 25 November - (?)
Notes: 9 December 1944, Commenced operational training with AN/TPS-3
Relocated: 10 February 1945, From Noemfoor Island to Biak
Equipment: SCR-602-T6 with Yagi antenna, supplemented with SCR-602-LW/AW antenna October 1943, TPS-3 8 December 1944
Arrived: 28 February 1945, Palawan
Unloaded: 2 March 1945, Palawan
Relocated: 3 March 1945, Iwahig
12th Platoon (LW)
Departed: 10 August 1943, Port Moresby, New Guinea
Arrived: 10 August 1943, Urasi Island
Operational: 3 September 1943 - 1 November 1943
Departed: 31 December 1944
Landed: 2 January 1944, Saidor, New Guinea
Operational: 25 January 1944 - 26 Feburary 1944
Departed: 19 March, 1944, Saidor, New Guinea
Arrived: 21 March 1944, Finschhafen, New Guinea
Notes: No operations - staging. on Manuvers to Lae, New Guinea from 9 - 11 April 1944
Departed: 18 April 1944, Finschhafen, New Guinea
Landed: 22 April 1944, Aitape, New Guinea (Tadji)
Operational: 25 April 1944 - 21 May 1944, Tumelo Island
Departed: 24 May 1944
Arrived: 30 May 1944, Bosnek, Biak Island
Note: Biak Island assault. "12 Plat, Co B, 583rd Sig AW Bn (RS 631) will land in the vicinity of Bosnek at H+4 and become operational as soon as possible."
Arrived: 7 July 1944, Molamer, Biak Island
Operational: 7 July 1944 - 19 September 1944
Notes: 15 December 1944, Commenced operational training with AN/TPS-3
Ceased operations: 2 February 1945
Equipment: SCR-602-T6 with Yagi antenna, supplemented with SCR-602-LW/AW antenna October 1943, TPS-3 8 December 1944
Arrived: 28 February 1945, Palawan
Unloaded: 2 March 1945, Palawan
Radar Station: RS 631
Notes: In preperation for invasion of Palawan island, Company B will provide the following:
RS 522 - Sigota area
Equipment: SCR-527 GCI
RS 410 - Rasa Island
Equipment: SCR-270-DA
RS 411 - Bonbon Point
Equipment: SCR-270-DA
RS 415 - Balabac Island
Equipment: SCR-270-D
RS 522
Call Sign: Paramount
Equipment: SCR-527 GCI
RS 529 - Long point
Equipment: SCR-527 GCI
RS 583
Call Sign: Chimney
RS 626 - 7th Platoon, Puerto Princess
Call Sign: Rosette
Equipment: AN/TPS-3
RS 627 - 8th Platoon, Puerto Princess
Call Sign: Urchin
Arrived: 28 February 1945, Palawan
Unloaded: 1 March 1945
Deployed to: 1 March 1945,
Carigaran Beach
Equipment: AN/TPS-3
RS 628 - 9th Platoon, Puerto Princess
Call Sign: Volcano
Equipment: AN/TPS-3
RS 629 - 10th Pltoon, Table Point
Call Sign: Sturdy
Equipment: AN/TPS-3
RS 630 - 11th Platoon, Long Point
Call Sign: Valentine
Relocated: 4 March 1945, Iwahig Penal Colony
Equipment: AN/TPS-3
RS 631 - 12th Platoon, Malanao Island
Call Sign: Scamper
Equipment: AN/TPS-3
RS 853
Located: February 1945, Cuyo Island
Equipment: SCR-527
Special Radar Detachment
Equipment: AN/TPS-2
Comany B (From 8 March 1945 - ...)
Redesignated: 8 March 1945
Notes: former designation Company B, 597th SAW Battalion
Notes: February 1945, Operational Training at Biak Island, except the 7th, 8th and 11th L/W Platoons which were camped at Noemfoor Island. Replaced six (6) SCR-602-T6, with six (6) AN/TPS-3 and six (6) AN/TPX-3.
Departed: 14 February 1945, Woendi Island after forming convoy, enroute to San Pedro Bay, Leyte Gulf, Philippine Islands
Arrived: 20 February 1945, San Pedro Bay, Leyte Gulf, Philippine Islands
Departed: 20 February 1945,
joined convoy for Mindoro Island
Arrived: 22 February 1945, Mindoro, at anchor until 26 February 1945
Departed: 26 February 1945, enroute to Palawan
Arrived: 28 February 1945, Palawan
Unloaded: 1 March 1945
Located: April 1945, Finschhafen, New Guinea continued reorganization
Commander: Shown as of 31 May 1945, Capt Arthur R. Matheson, Pinechafen, New Guinea
7th Platoon
Commander: Lt. Corder
8th Platoon
Commander: Lt. Boynton
RS 626
Arrived: 28 February 1945, Palawan
Unloaded: 1 March 1945
Deployed to: 1 March 1945,
Tidepole Point
Equipment: AN/TPS-3
RS 627
Arrived: 28 February 1945, Palawan
Unloaded: 1 March 1945
Deployed to: 1 March 1945,
Carigaran Beach
Equipment: AN/TPS-3