Company D (From Redesignation to 1March 1944)
Redesignated: 11 October 1943, 715th Signal Air Warning Company, as Company D, 583rd SAW Bn
Activated: 16 May 1944
Relocated: Finschafen
Relocated: Oro Bay, New Guinea
Relocated: 1 March 1944, Goodenough Island (Less 19 and 20th platoons)
Relocated: 22 April 1944, Hollandia
Redesignated: Company C when "old" Company "C" was transfered to the 596th SAW Bn.
Company D (From 16 May to ...)
Activated: 16 May 1944, Madzab, New Guinea
Commander: Capt. Robert G. Croyle
Located: May 1944, Nadzab, New Guinea; Platoons at Wakde Island, Biak Island and Hollandia
Departed: 24 July 1944, Nadzab
Arrived:: 27 July 1944, Hollandia, Dutch New Guinea
Notes: September 1944, Performed test on new AN/TPS-2
Departed: 7 November 1944, Hollandia, Dutch New Guinea
Arrived: 15 November 1944, Dulag, Leyte Island, Philippine Islands
Departed: 10 December 1944, Dulag, Leyte Island, Philippine Islands
Arrived: 10 December 1944, San Roque, Leyte Island, Philippine Islands