Biographical Sketch of Major Carleton L. Kingsford

Major Carleton L. Kingsford, the Commanding Officer of the 584th Signal AW Bn, has had a varied and interesting career in the Army. He was born in Rhode Island and claims Dartmouth College as his Alma Mater having been graduated with the class of 1914.

His introduction to the military service came on September 1st, 1917 when he enlisted as a private in the Mass. State Guard where he attained the rating of Sgt. and served until April 17, 1918.

At that time he reclaimed the title of Mr. Kingsford and remained a civilian until 1926. On July 10th, 1926 he enlisted in the New Hampshire National Guard and became a member of the 1st Bn, 172nd Field Artillery and attained the rank of Corporal. His career as an Officer began on December 6th, 1927 for it was on this date that he was commissioned a 2nd Lt. and became an Adjt of the 1st Bn, 172nd Field Artillery.

From that date until July 1, 1941, he served with the 172nd F.A. first as Bn Adjt, then as Bn 52, Bn Ln O, Bn S-3, Bn and Regtl S-3 and then as Commanding Officer A Batry 172nd F.A. While serving as Officer of the 26th Division by Maj Gen Daniel Needham.

During the period from July 2, 1941 until October 1, 1941 he served as S-3 with the 74th Field Artillery Brigade Corps. Major Kingsford's first introduction to the Signal Corps and Aircraft Warning was on December 18, 1941 when he assisted in the activation of the 503rd Signal Aircraft Warning Regt. and served as S-3 and Executive Officer for that unit for the next nine months.

His next assignment which lasted from September 16, 1942 to December 1, 1942 was with the AWUTC where he served as S-3 and Inspector "A" stage.

Since December 2, 1942, Major Kingsford has served as Commanding Officer of the following Signal Aircraft Warning Battalions, - 577th S AW Bn from December 2, 1942 to February 27, 1942, Plot Bn 501st S AW Regt from February 18, 1943 to June 3, 1943, Rept Bn 501st S AW Regt from June 4, 1943 to June 30, 1943, 555th S AW Bn from July 1, 1943 to July 20, 1943, 576th S AW Bn from July 21 to September 3, 1943.

It was on September 4th, 1943 that Major Kingsford took command of the 584th Signal AW Battalion which had been organized on September 1, 1943 under authority of confidential letter, Adjutant General Office, File A.C. 329.2 (3-5-43), OB-I-AFDPU-M.

Through his service with the United States Army, Major Kingsford carries on a tradition of his family, as there has been a representative of the Kingsford family in every war in which the U. S. has participated for the past hundred years. His grandfather ran away from England and under an assumed name joined the United States Army where he served from about 1840 to 1848. After his term of service expired, he took out his citizenship papers. Major Kingsford's father saw service as a Corporal in the Infantry during the Civil War and a brother served as a Seaman First Class in the Spanish War. Two brothers, besides the Major himself, were in the service during World War I, one as a Major in the Medical Corps and the other as a Corporal, also with the Medical Corps.