Biography of Major Ashley B. Haight
Major Ashley B. Haight, the Commanding Officer of this Battalion since November 4, first entered the service as an enlisted man of the South Carolina National Guard in 1915, and had service with that unit on the Mexican Border during 1915 and 1916. He was then sent to France with the Field Artillery of the 30th Division, and remained with that organization until he entered the American Expeditionary Force Officers School at Saumur, Franc, where he received his commission as a Second Lieutenant in the Coast Artillery. He retained his Reserve Officer Status from 1919 until he was called to active duty November 17, 1940. he was Artillery Engineer and Signal Officer for the Harbor Defenses of Pensacola from November 1940 to November 1941. November 1941 to June 1942 he was assigned to Office Of The Chief Signal Officer in Washington, D.C. as Administrative Signal Officer and Inspector.
When the new Amphibious Training Command was organized at Camp Edwards, Massachusetts, he was assigned there as Staff Signal Officer, from June 1942 to September 1942. From September 1942 to May 1943 he was the Chief Communications Branch and Amphibious Signal Officer at Camp Gordon Johnston, Florida.
In June 1943 he was assigned to the Aircraft Warning Unit Training Center, and was given the position of Inspector for the 5th Signal AW Training Battalion, which duty he performed until September 1943. He has been Commanding Officer of this Battalion since November 4 1943, when Major Edward V. Tresham, former commander, was sent to school at Fort Monmouth, New Jersey.