Biography of Major Edward V. Tresham
Major Tresham was a member of the New York National Guard from 4 March 1920 until induction 10 March 1941. He served in the 47th Infantry which was later redesignated the 47th Battalion Engineers. The Major reenlisted in Company M, 106th Infantry later redesignated Company L. He was commissioned a 2nd Lt. and assigned as assistant S-4 of the 106th Infantry. In April 1933 he was promoted to 1st Lt. and was assistant S-4 until 1940.
The Regiment was broken up by War Department orders and became the 186th Field Artillery, 155th Howitzer, and 101st M. P. Battalion. Major Tresham became S-4 of the Military Police and held every position in the Battalion. He was transferred to the Interceptor Command on 9 December 1941 and served with the 501st, 502nd, and 551st at Ft. Dix. The Major was S-4 of the 551 SAW and Commanding Officer of the 1st Reporting Company.
Upon arrival at Drew Field he was assigned as S-4 of the 551st and on 10 Dec 42 became Executive Officer of the 577th. Later he was Commanding Officer of the 577th and then Commanding Officer of the 571st. The 571st was then at Bradenton. He was then assigned Executive Officer of the 571st until he assumed command of the 591st Signal Aircraft Warning Battalion on 25 September 1943.