12 Apr 1944
Lt. Warren E. Pickert, DC
Purple Heart
Injuries due to enemy action
Pfc William C. Koonce
Purple Heart
Shrapnel wound, Anzio
Pvt Harold J. Kindemulder
Purple Heart
Shrapnel wound, Anzio
Pvt. Paul D. Taylor
Purple Heart
21 Jun1944
T/5 Edward E. Hermanns
Official Commendation
Initiative and devotion to duty under difficult conditions
21 Jun 1944
Pvt Charles F. Vorndran
Official Commendation
Initiative and devotion to duty under difficult conditions
27 Feb 1945
T/5 Ray E. Hullinger
Purple Heart
Enemy artillery fire
Feb 1945
Pfc. George Rosato
Purple Heart
Enemy artillery fire (104 pieces of schrapnel)