Headquarters Plotting Company
12 March 1944, 2 officers & 222 enlisted men augumented the 582nd SAW Bn. , Fratta Maggiore, Italy
November 1943 - (?), Capt. Robert H. Anderson
(?) - 26 September 1944, 1st Lt. Homer A. Stillwell
26 September 1944 - 28 April 1945, Capt. Robert H. Anderson
28 April 1945 - (?), Capt. Erwin D. McDowell

Wing Information Center (Forward Control, Ops 3)
Activated: 2 May 1944
Call sign: Changer
2 May 1944 - (?), Lt. Randolph W. Kern

Reporting Companie A
Note: As of 15 November 1943, will be "fixed" type
November 1943 - (?), Capt. Robert R. Sneider

1st Reporting Platoon
Deployed: 15 April 1944, to radar location "A1 Washington"
Located: 22 July 1944, Corsica
Located: 2 January 1945, Reskastel

2nd Reporting Platoon
Commander: Lt. John H. Bryant
Deployed: 15 April 1944, to radar location "A2 Illinois
Located: 24 July 1944, Mt. Filipo, Italy area

3rd Reporting Platoon
Deployed: 16 April 1944, to radar location "A3 Virginia"
Located: 22 July 1944, Corsica
Relocated: 2 January 1945, from Wolfersdorf to Lure
Relocated: 20 January 1945, from Lure to Wolersdorf

4th Reporting Platoon
Commaner: (21 April 1944), Lt. Joseph C. Killian
Deployed: 15 April 1944, to radar location "A4 Oregon"
Located: June 1944, near Frascati, Italy
Note: 7 June 1944, captured German soldier. First unit to do in the Battalion.
Located: 24 July 1944, Mt. Filipo, Italy area

5th Reporting Platoon
Deployed: 14 April 1944, to radar location "A5 Utah"
Relocated: 13 May 1944, Island of Ponza
Located: 22 July 1944, Corsica
Relocated: 12 January 1945, from Azelot Airfield to Croismare
Note: January 1945. During the month (January 1945) our Utah radar unit has continued its experimentation in landing aircraft in bad or closed-in weather. This experimentation began in November at the Azelot airfield and is being continued at the L???ville (sp) airfield where the unit moved on the 12th of January. Until recently, when a new read set (SCR-615) was delivered to the unit, these experiments were carried on with a SCR-582 MKIII, Ten Centimeter Radar. Results have been very gratifying, as witnessed by the letter of commendation received by Utah from General Barcus in connection with the successful emergency landing of four P-47s on January 1st. Absolute blind emergency landings are probably incapable with the SCR-582. Very valuable aid in approaches to the air-strip, however, appear to be and actually are possible.

Reporting Company B
November 1943 - (?), Capt. Erwin D. McDowell
20 April 1944 - (?), Capt. Robert R. Snyder
(May 1944), Capt. Erwin D. McDowell (Unit History pg 1714)

1st Reporting Platoon
Deployed: 10 April 1944 to radar location "B1 Dakota"
Located: 25 July 1944, Mt. Filipo, Italy area
Located: 18 February 1945, Rosieres
Relocated: 25 March 1945 from Rosieres, France to Erpolsheim, Germany

2nd Reporting Platoon
Deployed: 10 April 1944 to radar location "B2 Delaware"
Located: 22 July 1944, Corsica
Located: 22 December 1944, Parcey, France

3rd Reporting Platoon
Deployed: 10 April 1944 to radar location "B3 Florida"
Located: 25 July 1944, Mt. Filipo, Italy area
Relocated: 2 January 1945, from (unreadable) to Nancy, France
Relocated: 17 January 1945, from Chateau de Montet near Nancy to Mon???heim (sp)
Relocated: 22 January 1945, (unreadable)
Located: 22 February 1945, near Saverne
Relocated: 29 March 1945, from Saverne, France to Schweighofen, Germany
Relocated: 30 March 1945, to Edensheim, Germany

4th Reporting Platoon
Note: 13 April 1944, Scheduled for radar location "B4 Colorado, but not ready

5th Reporting Platoon
Deployed: 13 April 1944 to radar location "B5 Connecticut"
Located: 22 July 1944, Corsica
Relocated: 2 January 1945, from Waltenheim to Nancy, France
Relocated: 17 January 1945, Waltenheim
Located: 30 January 1945, Reatenbourg

6th Reporting Platoon
Deployed: 13 April 1944 to radar location "B6 Kentucky"
Located: 27 July 1944, Mt. Filipo, Italy area

Nik Nak
Formed: 24 March 1945
Located: 24 March 1945, near Landersheim, France
Notes: 24 March 1945, This platoon made up chiefly of men from the now non-exsistant Deleware, Colorado and Utah radar platoons.
Equipment: MEW radar set, serial number 66
Call Sign: Cornbeef

Ground Observer Company
November 1943 - (?), Capt. Robert Anderson
(?) - 18 May 1944, Capt. Ralph M. Wright
(?) - 26 November 1944, Capt. Ralph M. Wright
Notes: 24 December 1943, two officers and 222 EM from the Ground Observer Company of the 592nd Signal AW Battalion were attached to the 593rd Signal AW Battalion. 22 April 1944, GO Company 592nd SAW Battalion, disbanded and all personnel and equipment transferred to 593rd Signal AW Battalion.