TM 11-1543
Radio Set AN/MPN-1 is a mobile ground radar unit consisting of a 6X6 Diamond-T truck which functions as a prime mover, and a four-wheel trailer which carries most of the operational equipment. Two complete radar systems are provided, a search system operating in the 10-centimeter or S-band and a precision system operating in the 3-centimeter or X-band.
Radio set AN/MPN-1 provides facilities for directing the pilot of an aircraft in making a safe approach to an airdrome under poor visibility conditions. Accurate and continuous information regarding the location of incoming aircraft with respect to a predetermined glide path is presented to the operators by the two radar systems. This information, interpreted as lateral and vertical deviations from the glide path, enables the operators to direct the pilot in correcting his course. The search system presents a radar map on the plan position indicator (PPI) showing the positions of aircraft located within a radius of 30 miles and having an altitude of less than 4,000 feet. The PPI indicators of this system provide information used in "stacking up" aircraft within a specified region preparatory to turning the over to the precision system for landing. The precision system takes over when an airplane is ready to land. The precision system is a region 20 degrees wide 7 degrees high, having a 10 mile maximum radius.