Website Links
Thank you for visiting our site! Here are some other sites we recommend.

1st Aviation Brigade
U.S. Army, Vietnam  March 1966 – March 1973

1st Combat Evaluation Group
Radar Bomb Scoring Information (SAC)

Air Force Weapons Controller History

505th Tactical Control Group
Tactical Air Control in Vietnam and Thailand. Includes 619th TCS, 620th TCS, 621st TCS, and FAC's.

601st-615th AC&W
Reunion Association of former members of the 601st and 615th AC&W Squadrons

810th AC&W Squadron
Dedicated to the 810th Radar Squadron and all the US Air Force Radar Sites of the Past

Acrobat Reader
Free Acrobat Reader Software.

Air Force Crossroads
Official Community Website of the Air Force

Air National Guard, The
Official ANG Website.

The Best Radar Vets In The World

Combat Evaluation Group
Yahoo Group of CEV Group

Historical Electronics Museum Reflections
Westinghouse Radar & Electronics Museum

Kathryn Morrow Research (KMR)
Provides research, writing, editing and indexing services for authors of historical papers, family histories, graduate theses, and books. Author of "Defender of America’s Gulf Coast: A History of       Ellington Field, Texas 1917-2007"

Larry's "Military Radar" Pages
Royal Canadian Air Force

Mark's Green Pages
Web site for Military Radios and other Equipment

Petersen Air & Space Museum
Petersen Air and Space Museum

Radar Returns
World War II RAAF and WAAAF Australian Radar Web Site

Radar Sites Southern Japan
610th ACW Squadron, Radar Sites Souther Japan

USAF Unofficial Email Locator Site
Listings of Past, Present, & Retired Servicemen

Air Force - Together We Served


If you know of any web links that would be appropriate for this site, please submit them.
