Test Equipment
PSM-2 Insulation Test Set
Functional Description:
Insulation Test Set AN/PSM-2 is a portable, self-powered high range ohmmeter for measuring insulation resistance. It incorporates a hand-cranked generator, a test voltage indicator, and a meter calibrated in megohms.
Technical Description:
Power Requirements: Hand-cranked ac generator
Resistance Range: 0 to 1,000 meg
Testing Voltage: 500 v dc
Crank Speed: 170 rmp (avg)
Description: 3 21/32" x 7 1/4" x 4 5/8" 3.5 lbs
Tubes, crystals, transistors:
(2) 5517
Manufacturer: Holtzer-Cabot Division, National Pneumatic Co, Inc.; 20 August 1954
PSM-6 Multimeter
Functional Description:
Multimeter AN/PSM-6 is a portable, multi-range instrument for use in circuit analysis and troubleshooting on electrical and electronic equipment.
Technical Description:
Power Requirements: 1.34 v, 13.4 v dc
Frequency Range: 0 to 30 kHz
Voltage Range: 0 to .5, 2.5, 10, 50, 250, 500, 1,000 v ac, dc; to 5,000 v dc (with multiplier)
Current Range: 0 to 100 ua; 0 to .5, 2.5, 10, 50, 250, 500, 1000, ma; 0 to 2.5, 10 amp (with multiplier)
Resistance Range: 0 to 1,000; 10,000; 100,000; 1,000,000; 10,000,000 ohms
Sensitivity: 1,000 ohms/v ac; 1,000 and 20,000 ohms/v dc
Accuracy: ±4%
Manufacturer: Bruno-New York Industries corp.
Notes: Analog, ruggedized metal case, Circa 1960’s possible earlier
PSM-37 Multimeter
High impact yellow plastic case
Notes: Replacement for the PSM-6
Technical Order
HP 5345A Counter
Spectrum Analyzer
TS-172/UP Test Set
Functional Description:
Test Set TS-172/UP is a portable, hand-tuned, high-Q resonant cavity used in making quick, rough analyses of
the overall performance of radar systems, in determining frequency of CW, modulated carrier or pulsed RF transmitters, in measuring relative power output, in detecting double moding of magnetrons, and in indicating the signal-to-noise ratio of receivers.
Technical description:
Frequency Range: 1,215 to 1,360 mHz ±5 mHz
Impedance: 50 ohms
Ring time: 10 statute mi
Temp Range: -40°F to +120°F
Accuracy: ±3 db (rel pwr)
Dimensions: 15" x 15" x 18 1/2"; 21 lbs
Tubes, crystal, transistors:
(1) lN21B or 1N22
Manufacturer: Western Electric Co.; 5 November 1954
Notes: Used with MPS-11 in 1970’s
TS-419 Signal Generator
Functional description:
Signal Generator AN/URM-4 is directly calibrated equipment providing an accurate signal source used in testing the operation of radio and radar equipments, in receiver measurements, and in other applications requiring less than 1 milliwatt of cw or pm rf signals. Provisions for external modulation are available.
Technical description:
Power Requirements: 115 v ±10%, 300 va (max), 500 to 1,600 cy, 1 phase ac
Frequency Range: 900 to 2,100 mc
Type of-Emission: cw, pm
Power Output: 0 to -120 dbm; to 0.2 v into 50 ohms
Output Impedance: 50 ohms
Pulse Repetition Rate: 40 to 4.000 pps (int)
Delay Time: 3 to 300 μsec (int)
Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (Looking into output Terminals): 5 db (max)
Dimensions: 10 7/8" x 17 3/8" x 14" 41.75 lbs
Tubes, crystals, transistors:
(5) OA2, (2) 5R4GY, (1) 6BM6, (8) 6V6GTY, (6) 7F8
Manufacturer: Aircraft Radio Corporation and Technicraft Corporation; 4 August 1954
Notes: Similar to Hewlett-Packard Model 614A and Aircraft Radio Corporation Model H-2. Used in 1970’s on the MPS-11 for taking MDS.
TS-505/U Electronic Multimeter
Functional Description:
Electronic Multimeter TS505/U is a portable, vacuum-tube voltmeter and dc ohmmeter used in measuring ac and
dc voltage and resistance over wide ranges. The peak-indicating ac meter scale registers rms voltage, and a zero center scale measures dc voltage of unknown polarity. The set contains an ac rectifier probe and a dc probe.
Technical Description:
Power Requirements: 115 v ±15 v, 20 va, 50 to 1,600 cy ac; 3 v dc
Freq Range: 30 Hz to 500 Hz
Voltage Range: 0 to 200 v rms in seven ranges (ac); 0 to 1,000 v in nine ranges (dc)
Resistance Range: 0 to 1,000 meg in seven ranges ±4, %
Input Impedance: 6 meg (min) shunted by 2 uuf at af; 50 meg on 1,000-v dc and ±500-v dc ranges; 20 meg on all other dc ranges
Indicating Meter: 1 ma dc (full-scale deflection)
Accuracy: ±4% (full scale dc v); -61/o (full scale for ac sinusoidal input from 30 Hz to 500 Mc)
Dimensions: 6 1/4" x 9 1/8" x 9 3/4"; 15 lbs.
Tubes, Crystals, Transistors:
(1) 6AL5 or 5726, (2) 6AU6, (1) 6X4, (1) 12AT7, (2) 991
Manufacturer: Specialty Assembly and Packing Company, Inc.; 1 March 1944
TV-2/U Test Set, Electron Tube
Functional Description:
Electron Tube Test Set TV-2,/U is a portable instrument used in measuring dynamic mutual conductance qualities of commercial and JAN type electron tubes of the receiving and low power transmitting class. It detects internal shorts and gas in vacuum tubes, detects and measures leakage between tube elements, measures gas current and filament voltage, and checks tube and pilot lamp filament circuit continuity, emission of rectifier tubes, electron ray tube operation, firing point of thyratrons, and ballast tubes for proper operation.
Power Requirements: 100 w, 115 or 230 v ±10%, 50 to 1,000 Hz, 1 phase ac
Emission Current Indication: 3.5 ma, 12.5 ma, 56 ma, 119 ma (max)
Filament Range: 0.55 to 125 v
Filament Voltage Indication: 0 to 3, 10, 30, 100 v dc
Gas Regulator Current Indication: 1.3 ma, 5 ma, 10 ma (min); 3.5 ma, 30 ma, 50 ma (max)
Grid Bias Indication: 0 to 5, 10, 50 v dc ± 2%
Leakage Indication: 0 to 0.25, .5, 1 Meg
Mutual Conductance Range: 0 to 80,000 umhos
Plate Voltage Indication: 0 to 250 v dc ±5%
Screen Voltage Indication: 0 to 250 v dc ± 5%
Signal Level Indication: 0.25 v, 0.5 v, 2.5 v ac; 50 to 1,000 Hz
Temp Range: -4°F to +125°F
Dimensions: 8 1/2" x 13 1/4"x 17 1/2"; 45 lbs.
Tubes, Crystals, Transistors:
(2) 6X4, (1) 83
Manufacturer: CBS-Columbia, Inc.; 1 March 1964
Technical Manual
TV-7/U Test Set, Electron Tube
Functional Description:
Electron Tube Test Set TV-7/U is a portable instrument used in measuring conductance, detecting and measuring internal shorts, checking emission, detecting gas and intermittent contacts of commercial and JAN type electron tubes, and testing pilot lamps having miniature bases. Application is in organizational and field testing and maintenance.
Technical Description:
Power Requirements: 55 w, 115 v ±10%, and 50 to 1,000 Hz ac
Mutual-Conductance Range: 0 to 3,000; 6,000; 15,000; 30,000 umhos ±10%
Filament Range: 1.1 v, 1.5 v, 2 v, 2.5 v, 3 v, 4.3 v, 5 v, 6.3 v, 7.5 v, 10 v, 12.6 v, 20 v, 25 v, 35 v, 50 v, 75 v,
117 v
Gas Check Sensitivity: 1 ua (min) of gas current within tube
Short Check Indication: Leakage or shorting between tube elements is indicated on neon lamp when less than
100 v ac, peak, is placed across them.
Temp Range: -4°F to +125oF (operating); -80°F to +160°F (non-operating for 72 hr continuous exposure)
Dimensions: 5 3/4" x 15 1/2" x 8 1/2"; 25 lbs
Tubes, crystals, transistors:
(1) 5Y3GT, (1) 83
Manufacturer: Hickok Electrical Instrument Co.; 1 March 1964
Technical Manual
UPM-15 Pulse Generator Set
Functional description:
Pulse Generator Set AN/UPM-15 is portable equipment used in field and depot maintenance for testing pulse amplifiers and networks, as well as for modulating oscillators. It generates single or double pulses of variable pulse repetition rate, pulse width, pulse amplitude, and pulse delay. The pulses may also be synchronized with oscillators or other instruments.
Technical description:
Power Requirements: 360 w, 115 v ±10%, 50 to 1,600 Hz, 1 phase ac
Type of Emission: Pulse
Output Impedance: 0.25 ohm below 20 mv; 2.5 ohms from 20 to 200 mv; 50 ohms from 0.2 to 2 v; 250 ohms from
2 to 20 v; 2,500 ohms above 20 v
Eternal Trigger Pulse: 0 to 50,000 pps, 2 to 100 v
Pulse Amplitude: 0.002 to 200 v
Pulse Delay: 2 to 225 μsec after the synchronized pulse
Pulse Repetition Rate: 50 to 10,000 pps int (internally or externally synchronized).
Pulse Rise and Fall Time: 0.05 to 0.25, μsec, .10 to .3 μsec respectively, measured from 10 to 90% amplitude
Pulse Width: 0.5 to 100 μsec
Second Pulse: Identical in shape to first pulse and follows first pulse by an interval of 3 to 30 μsec
Temperature Range: -40° C to +55° C
Accuracy: ±10% of any indication after 10-min warm up, ±5% at 21° C
Dimension: 19" x 12" x 10 1/2" 80 lbs
Tubes, crystals, transistors:
(1) OA2, (1) OA3, (1) OB2, (1) 5R4WGY, (1) 6AH6, (1) 6AN5, (1) 6AQ5W, (2) 6AS7G, (4) 6AU6,
(2) 2BA7, (1) 6D4, (1) 6XW4, (5) 12AT7, (1) 829B, (4) 5814
Manufacturer: Stamford Electronics Corporation; 20 August 1954
UPM-98 IFF Test Set
UPM-99 IFF/SIF Test Set
Notes: replaced by the AN/UPM137A in 1974.
UPM-137 IFF Test Set
Manufacturer: Packard Bell
Notes: circa 1970’s
URM-25 Signal Generator
USM-223 Multimeter
USM-338 Oscilloscope
Solid state
Dual trace
Frequency Range: DC to 50 MHz
Weight: 1.9 kilos
Notes: Military version of HP 1707
Photos (courtesy Fair Radio Sales)
USM-339 Oscilloscope
Notes: Military version of HP
USM453A Tek Oscilloscope
Notes: Used throughout the 1970s.
USM 454 Tek Oscilloscope
Notes: supplied as part of the TPS-43
USM 475 Tek Oscilloscope
Notes: circa 1970’s
USM 505 Tek Oscilloscope
Notes: circa 1960’s, possibly earlier